If you’ve read my blog
before you know that I don’t have physical children of my own but I have an
entire high school filled with athletes that I think of as my
children. After coaching for seventeen years my coach has worked
with hundreds of athletes and we think of each and every one of them as if they
were our own.
As Mother’s Day
approaches, after all these years, my heart still aches a bit that I’m not a
mother in the “traditional” sense of the word. The ache has eased through
the years, but it’s still there. There will always be moments and experiences
that I will never get to have like I would if I had my own children. But,
please hear me when I say that I'm not writing this to gain sympathy or for you
to feel sorry for me. For years I did feel sorry for myself and that got me nowhere
but deeper in my misery. Over time though, I have learned that the Lord has a
special purpose for me in this world and I need to set my focus on him and that
purpose. That purpose is supporting my husband as he teaches and coaches
all of those athletes and knowing that what he does isn’t just a job but it’s a
ministry and it’s a ministry in which I can play a major role.
A sweet friend reminded
me this week that I am still a mother though, and that I have played that role
to all of those teenage young men who have crossed our path these past
seventeen years. I was also reminded by one of those boys this
week. He’s at a cross-road in his life and the first people he
reached out to for guidance and support were me and my coach. He’s
been away at college for two years now, and yet he still knew that he could
call us and that we would be there for him. When he gets home from
school next week, he’s coming to dinner so I can cook for him and so that my
coach can assure him that it’s all going to be alright. He’s even
requested a special dessert that I make. This makes my heart happy.
I’ve noticed that past
few days that several of my friends have been posting life lessons and phrases
that their mothers taught them and that they now teach their kids. Since I
don’t get to share my motherly advice on a daily basis I thought I’d put my
“Motherisms” down in writing to share with you all.
- Always remember who you are and whose you are.
- As long as you live, always be yourself. No other. Just
- Your best ability should always be flexibility.
- Never miss an opportunity to say I love you.
- Know that you are a child of the King
- A little dirt never hurt anyone
- God created our sense of humor. Don't be afraid to use
- Always extend grace. You have no idea the hurt someone
is carrying around with them.
- Concentrating on helping others helps you forget your own
- Take time to listen to what the Lord is trying to tell
you. Life is so much better when you follow his lead.
Many of these were taught to me by my mother and others I've learned
along the way. I hope they are things that you can apply to your own life
or that you can pass along to those you love. Life is a grand adventure and our
plans are not always God’s plans, but one lesson I keep learning over and over
is that His plans are always the best plans. My daily goal is to keep striving
to keep my focus where it belongs.
Cheering you on!
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