Saturday, May 24, 2014

Coaches Should Come with Warning Labels

I’m sure there are surprises with each couple that gets married but along with those basic items I think if you marry a coach he should come with a warning label.  

WARNING:  Football is a 365 day a year sport
Alright ladies, you should be fully aware of this one before you walk down the aisle. Football isn’t just for 10-15 weeks during the actual football season. Oh no!  It’s 52 weeks a year. There’s spring football, 7 on 7, summer workouts, the actual season, off-season, etc. My coach has practices, coaches meetings, parent meeting, phone calls from coaches, phone calls from players, phone calls from parents, you name it – he’s got it.  While family and faith are his ultimate priority, football is a member of our family. As long as the balance stays in place it’s all good and my coach is great at keeping that balance.

WARNING:  Coach may call plays in his sleep.
This one was a complete shock and almost scared me to death in the middle of the night. All of the sudden I hear someone yelling and repeating the same thing over and over.  As I begin to wake up I realized that my coach was calling plays.  Over the years I’ve noticed that the bigger the game and the more stress there is for the week, the more play calling I’m going to hear.

If there is a particular player or players that are having a rough week or not practicing to full potential he will also start calling them out in his sleep.  I know exactly who is not happy with and who needs to step up their game.  Several years ago there had been an extended period over a couple of weeks of him yelling in his sleep at his players.  I happened to be up at the field house as the boys were coming up from the practice field.  As they stop by to say hello I had a little huddle of my own with them.  I told them I wasn’t sure what was going on but they better step it up because I needed sleep.  The next night all was right with the world again.

WARNING:  His ankles will be ghostly white while the rest of his body is at least 12 shades darker.
I love my coach and think he is the cutest thing on earth, but yes during the summer his feet are kind of scary. Because he is out in the sun so much and wearing his athletic shoes and socks his feet never see the light of day.  When we first got married I kept threatening to put self-tanning lotion on his feet while he was sleeping.  Yeah, that thought didn’t go over too well.  At least now I’ve convinced him to wear flip flops on occasion to even out the color a bit.  They will never completely even out without the self-tanning lotion but at least we are making progress and I’ve gotten over the scariness of his Casper feet.

WARNING:  He will talk football anywhere with anyone.
The moment someone hears that my coach is a Texas High School football coach I know I’m in for a 20 minute conversation about football. It doesn’t matter if we are in a restaurant, at church or even on a cruise football will be discussed.  There’s a fascination with the game and with Friday night lights. When we first got married this frustrated me, but over the years I’ve learned to be happy with the moment. I love that people love what my husband does for a living. I love that there are questions and conversations about his role and the game. After all, how many people do you hear saying oh, you’re an accountant or oh you’re an account executive how fascinating? Nope, probably not going to happen.
With all of these warnings I still wouldn’t want to be married to anyone other than my coach. It’s never a dull moment and always keeps me on my toes. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

WARNING: I’m the wife of a coach and I love it!

Cheering you on!


  1. Hahaha!! Girl, I hear you!! My husband is a full-time soccer coach, so I refer to myself as a "soccer widow". Even though it can be frustrating at times, I wouldn't change it because I know this is what he was born and called to do. Coaches' wives unite! :)

  2. This is funny! I haven't personally experienced the play calling in his sleep...but I wouldn't put it past him! One to add for college fb wives...your only date nights will be at recruiting dinners!

  3. This was funny and spot on! Thanks.

  4. Amen... I LOVE MY COACH,& ALL these things you mentioned are right on que! Others will never understand the "life of a football coach's wife or their life"..but it is the most absolute wonderful joy of my life and my kids lives... we have learned to keep our distance bc THE WIFE OF A COACH IS AT TIMES, more tested than the coach.. I LOVE YOU COACH JONES AND I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!! JONES TEAM!

  5. So true! I love my coach! I've experienced the play calling while sleep. The funniest one is when I'm mistakenly called "coach" also lol!
