Sunday, July 27, 2014

God's Plan is ALWAYS Greater Than Our Own

Many people have asked or wondered why we don't have kids. Well God has the perfect plan for us! As hard as it is for us to let go of our plans, we must because God's plans are so much bigger and better than ours!

In 2006 we were asked by our pastor to share our story in front of our church. This was the first time that many of our friends and family learned of our struggles.  For some reason infertility is only spoken of in whispers.  Since this was the first time we actually spoke out loud about it and in front of several thousand people, I was a bit timid in my presentation.  Please know that now I'm much more confident in my words and actions and am confident that the Lord is using us in ways that we never could have imagined. (Plus my hair is so much cuter now - I don't know what I was thinking then.)

I hope you are blessed by our story.  We certainly have been!