A few weeks ago, a sweet friend of mine was blogging about the seasons of her family in relation to the four seasons. It got me to thinking about the seasons we have as a coaching family. My husband coaches high school football here in Texas and is also the head track coach at his school. While most families and society seem to move with the traditional seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, at our house we move to the seasons of Football, Track, Spring Football and 7 on 7.
I love being married to a coach and moving in sync with the seasons of his schedule. Yes, some days are more of a challenge then others but isn't that the case of day to day life no matter you or your spouse does for a living? Right now at our house, football has begun. The preseason scrimmage was yesterday and today he's up at the field house getting ready for the first game of the season. Our Fall schedule has started and football is now on the calendar for seven days a week for at least the next 10 weeks. Of course the goal is for him to be gone for 16 weeks and come home with a state title. (More on that in the weeks to come.)
Some wives say goodbye to their husbands during this time and "mourn their loss." They think of themselves as "football widows." That's not the case in our house. I'm clearly still married and he's still my husband. He hasn't died, he's just focused. Focused on his job, focused on his passion for coaching, focused on his boys and focused on the goal of winning that title. When he is home, there is still that focus, but he's also able to focus on me - I just have to know for a while I share the focus area with something else. It's okay to share the focus because I know there are times I make him share as well. I have a job. I have committees and volunteer opportunities and a host of other things that take my attention.
Early on in our marriage we created our ground rules or our playbook so to speak. Our number one play in the book that we support each other in our passions and in what God has called us to do in our lives. My husband was called to coach and to be a leader to his players and help mold them into the young men that God wants them to be both on and off the field. Who am I to stand in the way of that calling? I shouldn't be in the way. I should be the first to cheer him on and celebrate that he is able to follow what the Lord has planned for him.
So for this season, Football is focus at our house. Rather than sit at home and wonder what to do with myself and focus on the fact that he isn't around, I make my list and work to execute it during the next 10-16 weeks. I find projects around the house that I can do when no one is home and wondering what I'm doing and no explanation is required. I volunteer at our church. I write notes to his players to place in their lockers each week before the game. I do all the things I don't have time for when my coach is home and we are focused on other things like clean out that closet or cabinet. To some it may seem a little strange, but I enjoy this season. It's a time to refocus and accomplish all those things I keep saying "I'll get to that some day." Right now, I have a season of some days so time to take advantage.
More later, that closet is begging to be cleaned out right now.
Cheering from the stands,
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