Saturday, February 8, 2014

Happy Signing Day!!!


To most people in the world Wednesday was just another day, but to those involved in high school football it was one of the best days of the year. At our house we say that it’s our favorite non-holiday holiday.  Wednesday was Signing Day also known as National Letter of Intent Day.  The day high school football players from around the country commit to playing football on the college level.

My coach has been coaching for 17 years now and each and every year we have been blessed to be a part of a program where at least one player has signed on Signing Day. This year was a very interesting year as one member of team also happened to be one of the most recruited players in the nation. Solomon chose not to declare where he was going to school until Signing Day. Because of that, ESPN was in the house to show on national TV where Solomon intended to play ball and most importantly where we intended to graduate from with a degree in hand.   Our day started at 7:00 am in the school auditorium with a room full of media, friends and family all waiting to see what Solomon had to say. As with everything he does, Solly did it in style and announced to the nation that we was going to play ball and graduate from Stanford University.

From there we headed into the school gym where ten tables were set up for all of our boys who were signing their letters of intent. The tables were decorated with balloons and banners showing where each player was headed next fall. The boys were introduced by our head coach and proud parents smiled and took photos as the letters were signed.

Every year signing day is special but this year it took on an even greater meaning. This year we were asked to be a special part of signing day for two special players, one at our school and one at a competing school. At our school we were asked to sit as a part of the family for one of my coach’s position players. Chris has played for my coach for four years and it’s been a joy and pleasure to watch him grow into the young man that he has become. Our families have become one and family photos on game night and other special occasions always involve both sets of parents. 

After our signing day was over we were invited to an opposing school to be a part of their special day as well. A family friend had a son also signing his letter of intent. Since our schools were in the same UIL District we have had the pleasure of playing against Braelen and his school for the past several years. Braelen played the same position that my coach coaches so it’s been fun to watch him grow and develop and there’s a special bond between the two of them. We were blessed to be asked to come watch him sign his letter.

As the wife of a coach this day each year is one of my favorites. I’m so proud of the boys and all that they have accomplished on the high school level. I’m proud of my coach to see all of his hard work and countless hours that he has poured into those boys pay off. It’s fun to watch him hug, shake hands and take photos with his boys and congratulate them as they head to the next level. He’s had a part in that and while talent plays a major role in getting to that level, so does coaching. Helping those boys define their talents and skills and encouraging them to reach deeper and work harder is what it’s all about. I’m also proud to watch those young men say thank you to their coaches for believing in them, working with them and yes, even yelling at them to help them achieve their goal of playing college ball.

If you’ve never attended signing day, I encourage you to do so. It’s a special moment to see it all come together off the field. You see the coaches and parents beaming with pride and joy. You see the boys excited about the upcoming opportunities in their future. Watching those boys sign those letters is one moment in time where we can see it all come together between the athletes, the parents and the coaches. It’s a magical moment and every year I’m blessed to be a part of it.

Happy Signing Day!

Cheering you on!